13th June 2024
Gobekli Tepe (Turkey) - channeled message, Pleiadians.
First up we have to shift our way of thinking when it comes to those that lived within the parameters of Gobekli Tepe so many generations ago. As all were not living in physical form as humans do now. There reality was also etheric in nature as there connection to their energy bodies was as real to them as the physical. So now when we take a look at the site of Gobekli Tepe from that point of view and a new story emerges.
This mysterious place which is older than one knows now, existed at a time when those from other planets visited Earth and brought with them animals to integrate and keep safe on Earth. And the humans existing then were seen as caretakers of these animals and so through their acceptance and earths acceptance the animal could thrive.
The actual site doesn’t hold evidence of domestic living arrangements, no fire pits nor living quarters as we now know of them. But the outer surroundings do, as they were homes to many different dwellers, but those that were guardians to the actual site were more etheric than physical.
Because of their etheric nature they learned to ground any animals physical form, monuments of Earthly materials were created as holding bearers for the frequency of those animals. If Earth accepted the new animals arrival, the stone monument carved from earth would hold.
There were also what we (The Pleiadians) would call Sheppards or those who lived in this area of Gobekli Tepe and surrounding locations, who could energetically create greater living standards by using their will to hold and create energetic living quarters that would disperse once they left and so now through the discovery these days, those that dig will only see that which was brought through in actual physical form, the stone monuments and walls etc.
The masculine were grounded in as physical statues as that was the frequency of the masculine but the feminine was connected to all possibilities and imaginings so their monuments were ethereal in nature. Therefore not many feminine statues will be found.
The Urfa man statues found in surrounding areas are in fact, off world beings that had very ancient ties to Mother Earth, and came to teach and observe the interactions of the Sheppards or humans at that time that were seen as keepers and protectors of the new animals being brought to and created on Earth through the Gobekli Portal.
As this was a collaborative effort of Earth, humanity and off world beings, for Earth to become a library or holding cell of many different animals and living creations.
Gobekli Tepe was an entrance point for those of the non-physical worlds and physical worlds to become part of Earths nurturing physical body and therefore life and death was accepted and appreciated as a union to this journey that the soul could take. In later years of Gobekli the interactions became warped as a new era was about to be birthed and grounded so the site was covered by Earth.
From the off world point of view, those residing on other planets and in different dimensions who knew that earth was going through a huge evolutional leaps, as she was one planet that could cope with much diversity and allow for the existence of the physical world to deepen at that time becoming a bigger playground for souls to explore through many avatars or bodies, animals and in humanoid form. They asked for their species to be accepted on Earth because within the frequency of those creatures finding cooperation to live harmoniously in the physical world of earth also gave them a chance for their souls to live on Earth through this greater physical world, and that journey would give them new experiences separated from Source Energy or Prime Creator. So they were setting their souls up to merge with Earth through this great evolution leap away from Source Energy and eventually back to the Source of all creation.
For example… Imagine that you knew that a small town was going to become a huge city rich with opportunity, and your foresight gave you an opportunity to settle in that town before the gold was found. You would take that opportunity if thats what your soul desired. Same goes for these off world beings asking for Mother Earth to take their species and give them a chance to move through the evolutional shift that could gift their souls a return home or a journey that would satisfy their souls.
NB... Interesting to note here that in 2024 those whom hold much power in wealth atm (Cabel) want to keep all secrets hidden so that humanity wont find out their power within and the truth of their history. So they are stopping most of the excavation or uncovering of Gobekli Tepe by putting the money into tourism instead saying that they will leave the excavation for future generations.
Channeled By Bobbie Richardson