Channeled awareness given to Bobbie via ONENESS/GOD/SOURCE the night of 30th May 2023, written the morning of 31st May 2023
The question 'Who am I?', will only ever lead you to your own perception of how you think others think about you. In the end this is a mere projection and will only give you power if you have everyone in your life loving you all the time, you could never heal this way because you would have to heal everyone outside of you first. But they have their own demons within to deal with and only come from their own projection of you reflecting the part that reminds them of themself.
Good or stressful it doesn't matter it is only a mere reflection and reflections cannot be changed only the source of that reflection which in your case is you. So you in asking Who am I? Your very question creates the reflection and therefore the power you seek in finding your magnificence is asked by looking outside of yourself.
Most of humanity is working from this backward point of view, they feel, if they can somehow control and heal everyone and everything outside of them, their life will be stress-free. Looking outside oneself by asking, who am I? Carves the illusional path of self-deception and a world turned inside out, never healing only re-cycling that which was never taken responsibility for in the first place.
This is why those of spiritual understanding say "I am" which brings the awareness to taking responsibility of oneself. You are therefore deciding how you feel about you. This cannot be told to you, only felt by you.
Once you ask this and honestly answer yourself, warts and all. You will see where you lack in your magnificence and where you gave your power away, therefore, you can heal yourself. Also, you will find out which parts of yourself are healed and how far you have come on this journey of losing yourself to the outside world.
For all that exists is how you feel about you, the rest is a mere reflection playing out for you to have an adventure.
Remember to change the mirror one must go to the Source of the reflection and that is you.
You are the Source of all things going on a journey in a human avatar, don't get stuck looking at the mirror.
Bobbie Richardson
Youtube - Bobbie The Messenger