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Brand New Subject For Me - Channeled Messages About Hyperbolic Space

Hyperbolic Space - I watched a video called ‘Non-Euclidean Geometry Explained - Hyperbolic Devlog #1

Honestly being no scholar on the subject my logical brain was trying to wrap around this new language that I had never heard before, but they had some really cool imagery in the video which Id advice you watch first.

So I decided to let go of my logical mind and allow my intuition to kick in, this is what I got.

1st channeled notes - theoretical work to expand upon

The hyperbolic space time continuum moves differently to our physical sphere 3D world, which gives us the possibility, while working through these different dimension to travel through space, because the maths warps into a place where all points (planets) can become closer to one another depending on the Non Euclidean Geometry used, which to me is the same using different dimensions to gain a better understanding of the whole of existence. As the 3rd dimension has its observation point of view looking down on 2D so to does the 4th dimension gain a new awareness as it becomes the observer of time and therefore distances becomes non-void because you are now moving through the space time continuum which can take you to another place in the same time-frame, this is where vehicles are created that warp through 3D by using these inverted time stream matters or non-Euclidean Geometry.

If we then go to the 5th dimension then the observer of time and space becomes you as the source of all, as the mind or reference point to all time and space, gifts you the ability to move in and out of all time and space as you know it. This is why bringing in your souls memory will expand you into the 5th dimension because you are now acknowledging yourself as more than this physical 3D reference point and because the soul works through multiverses or all dimensions where all expands and returns to you as the central observer. This can only be experienced through a balance of oneself living in the moment because in the moment resides all of your souls experiences including many different lifestyles in other physical and non physical vessels. This stilling of the logical mind and tapping into the soul where imagination holds the key to many of these past soul lives, gifting you the ability to travel through hyperbolic space and to gain wisdom through astral traveling as your logical mind in the 5D would have let go enough to allow such wisdom and experiences to be of real tangible wisdom in the 3D constructs of this physical world.

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