Our reality is created through a series of programs that we acknowledge as the only path and therefore focus on those building blocks whether they are based in religion, social security, fear, guilt, distrust or whatever. Therefore our focus is our reality and our reality is what we choose to focus on. These programs are the platforms we move through life with, making all decisions to up hold our beliefs of the only reality we think is worthy of our attention.
So to shift or change this, the actual building blocks or programming or this reality need to come down...
This is where we have to go through a series of vulnerabilities to have all ripped away from us that we were programmed to think is our reality or stability, when in actual fact it was a program designed to keep us in a limited and very predictable path so that those who were programming you could keep their control over you. And with this you ignored how you felt.
When you go through this shift, you may have your entire physical world including your loved ones, your homes, your jobs fall away. Gifting you a chance to start a new program from within. Meaning how you feel and moving towards what feels good becomes the new platform or building blocks to your new creations.
You may also find those feelings open new doors, and so the universe or new story starts to show up alternate paths you would never had seen before. As you step into this newness, you can always tweak it to suit more loving feelings until you are as your soul is...
Bobbie Richardson
A Pleiadian Intuitive School - AMAKEL - A New Reality School
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