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Writer's picture: Messenger - Codes New RealityMessenger - Codes New Reality

28 April 2021

Humanity has grown from caves to horse back to cars and now to computers. That’s what we have been led to believe, but there is so much more within the evolution of humanity, so many more beings involved as our guides and so much more hidden secrets to be discovered.

In the far-off distance past, humanity use to know more of the connection to spirit, to Earth and all her wisdom, to living crystals and the water that carried information. But all that we were taught within the Lemuria age died to allow the knowledge or our masculine side to rise and give birth to all outside of us with no inner knowing to spirit and Earth.

What humanity is experiencing now is the return of our intuitive side and connections we once had back in the long-lost Lemuria days. This is why individual leadership outside of ourselves took over our reality, since we lost our connection to spirit, to our soul. This leadership appointed, by the now disconnected logical mind searched for guidance outside itself when this severing of the intuitive expression of humanity took place. This logical side of ourselves represented by the dictator leadership outside ourselves will not give up its place up easily. This is because it has found itself in a very comfortable position at the top of its game, but when one reaches the so called top, growth slows down and one will start to consume itself to find anything that will bring it inspiration again. This inspiration was lost from this grasping of holding onto the top so tightly it won’t allow anything to merge and grow symbiotically.

To merge into more would mean we would have to open the doors to those who have this spiritual connection and their feminine side of imagination and intuition again, to trust this guidance towards a new beginning.

This mergance and allowance to grow will give rise to many gifts, many of which humanity worked with eons ago in the days of Lemuria and Mu. It will also raise your awareness to your connection to your soul which will feel like wisdom pouring through you that hasn’t been taught to you through another person, book or place. This will feel like a knowing that you can trust yourself again to lead yourself towards that which makes your soul flourish and thrive, by incorporating your intuition and imagination with your now organized logical self. Many rules, laws and ledgers will fall away as these were only needed to help the logical side of oneself, being that the masculine compartmentalizes all to document in our memory banks. But as the job of the logical mind isn't to create and change our reality as that is the job of our imagination we can let go of those memories that don't serve us anymore.

With the awareness of one’s soul guiding us through life again one becomes sovereign to themselves. In this trust we understand again that we are connected through the soul, so one would never harm another or your soul will have to experience the harm you inflicted in another life, being that you created that story to begin with.

Also the wisdom that the soul dose not die is restored and the knowing that death is only a change for the soul to leave and transit into another life being created to experience something new. So, you see as the soul is reconnected so to is our trust awoken, therefore all we aspire to become much more then following orders from another person’s reality, leader or not, especially if that person is living an unbalanced life to begin with. This also gives rise to the imagination and its ability to start fresh new ideas that have only the boundaries of this connection to all.

Because of this heightened awareness of self within oneness and or the connection to the soul, one’s reality will expand to those who have already found their gifts through their own beings’ evolution and this will gift humanity the ability to connect with off planet and interdimensional beings of the same or similar frequency. As there are many many more souls who live out their realities in this balanced nature on other planets and frequencies due to the joy the soul experiences in such places.

So, humanity, individually and collectively could be contacted first through their own awareness of telepathy by these beings which is one of the first gifts given, as this is the universal language of all due to the soul’s connection at oneness. Telepathy and channeling communication are of feeling base rather than language and is a knowing that far surpasses any oral language as one can know from many more perspectives what someone is trying to convey, deception becomes non-void as you cannot say one thing and feel another, due to telepathy being feeling based. Empaths will be first to acquire this wisdom once they learn to assert and protect their gifts with self-worth and self-support as one needs to become assertive within one’s mind and know one’s mind to be able to know the difference between their own thoughts and another.

Channeled Messages Bobbie Richardson

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