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Channeled Message via Oneness

Writer's picture: Messenger - Codes New RealityMessenger - Codes New Reality

2nd Jan 2021

Art By Bobbie using Pixabay free photography and Flame Painter.

Written version


This new energy is not about appointing a new leader spiritual, religious or parliamental, this is about empowering you, if anybody tells you what to do, make it your decision, take responsibility for your choice to follow or not. There is no wrong or right, there is only what does or doesn’t feel good for you.

Message from Source Energy/Oneness

2nd Jan 2021, Going Home.

You are all Gods, every experience you have had the Oneness has felt, you have lived so much diversity in human form, so much duality and yet in these moments you are learning to make peace with all that you are.

In doing that you are awaking unknown parts of yourself, choosing love of the unknown, intuition, your connection to Oneness, and your ability to imagine into reality. Then as your reality expands you automatically transmute and change what you don’t wish to be in your reality. There are those already in place who know how to deal with and flush out unwanted energies without loosing themselves, they are the warriors, they already know who they are, so if your not sure you are not of that.

For all others you will help by turning your back on any unwanted agendas making a firm unwavering choice to say no, that you know now what you deserve and move towards that which you love to experience, as every time you feel happy you are increasing Earths vibration to become that. Dance Sing Laugh your way through.

As to fight such things will only empower them within your mind as the enemy and therefore empower the story of an enemy existing in your reality. Like trying not to think of the elephant in the room – the only way you give this less power is to turn your backs and focus on what you wish to create in this amazing new Earth energy being presented here especially for you.

Weather you are a garbage disposal man or and high end business person, a dancer or a psychic, born poor, born rich, born disabled or a athlete your journey was all needed for the whole or oneness to experience. And through your emotions and learning of such contradictory reality’s within, which are then reflected out as your life, compassion has been felt at the deepest of levels and that my amazing humans, has brought you to be able to feel into ONENESS if you want and when you are ready. Which in turn frees all other souls that has had a part to play in this amazing journey of humanities birth.

Why? Because at the deepest core of our souls we are all desiring to return to Oneness so that we can create something even more amazing with what has been learnt, and your becoming in tune with Oneness and feeling this gives there story of villain or victor a purpose.

Do not be afraid that you may loose your reality when returning to knowing Oneness, you will not, you will just see it through eyes like Oneness does with curiosity and wonder, bliss will wash over you naturally in moments that increase with time and change, as you are that and that is in you. Remember you are the creators and can ignore or call in what ever you desire for your reality.

The power of this is immense but can only be reached through compassion or love. As separation and fear is only transformed into acceptance that this was the story of your life written to remind you of HOME.

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