To nurture our feminine side takes strength. It takes strength to say you need time out, it takes strength to give yourself time to do the inner work, it takes strength to nurture others and yourself even if that doesn't involve monetary gain, it take strength to admit your using your intuition to make a decision, to be creative, to heal self and others, to work with spirit, to use your imagination to shift unwanted parts of your life. Yes allowing your feminine side to shine and become equal with your doing masculine side that is rewarded for most of what it does, takes strength but once you bring this into balance your rewards will be finding your authentic self again and stepping out without fear to be totally you, because you'll support both sides of yourself.
This gain will gift you with stepping into the right place, meeting the right people, aligning yourself with opportunities one doesn't have to work their guts out for. Creating the reality your soul desires, communicating with wiser souls. Because you would have stopped warring from inside your mind and only came from loving all parts of yourself. So Yes there are many many gifts including abundance as the reflection of this balanced reality.
All you have to do is to find it within yourself to love all parts of yourself. The multiverse loves you playing and having fun creating a story that evolves and frees your soul into more happiness. You are unique, you are special and you are needed for the whole to experience your individual adventure to finding your way home.
Bobbie Richardson