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Taking Responsibility

Writer's picture: Messenger - Codes New RealityMessenger - Codes New Reality

Updated: Apr 10, 2021

Message 8th - 9th April 2021

To step through the clouded lens of oneself, to see who you fully are, would mean you would have to strip away all thoughts of insecurities, doubts and guilt's. But how would one do this when every day we have others outside of ourselves are telling us of our failings, reflecting the very limited thoughts we have within us?

One would almost need to start by tricking the mind that has held onto these programs within for so long that you took them on as your identity. Because the only way you lost who you were in the first place was for others who had lost themselves to trick you into believing you weren’t magnificent.

Go back to when you were little, feel into the pureness of your being, with all the so-called delusional aspect and imaginings you had that others did not understand, go back and see through the eyes of you as a child, remembering who you were with no filter, no program. Go back to before you wanted to fit into a society that was so out of touch with its own true essence that you had to lose half of your identity to fit in.

There you will find the key, the spark to the true essence that is your souls’ identity, your brilliant self, unafraid to explore both your logic and intuition, ready to run through the fields feeling the energy of spirit again, the wealth and abundance of Earth carrying you every step you take.

You are still that child, and at any time you wish you can explore Earth through this innocence that is a spark of divine within you, connected to all as one.

For you are a child of Earth and she wishes to nurture your every step and imagined idea as her own.

There isn't supposed to be a next leader, as we all ignite our intuition and connect to that which was disconnected many eons ago, 'our soul'. We will realize to give another power over us via leadership is to deny our very birthright to create as sovereign beings just as all other animals create from their own identity, experience or natural program they were born into. Not even an ant follows a leader, no they have an natural identity they are born into which gives them the drive to be of that. The whole ant colony works because there is an automatic trust in this identity or natural program that one will be born into if and when the colony needs it.

Humans are powerful creators and once we have learnt the lesson of balance within, we can come from a peaceful mind that knows of not only its connection to the outside world but also our connection to our inner world, where we would only want to create those things that ignite the soul’s growth, not limit its experience which is what happens when we give our reality away to another in the form of leadership whom in their own identity is already lost. As one person’s reality, being that leader, could never know of your unique path. So, it is time to you learn to take your reigns of your own life back and put on the hat of the leading actor/actress/person of your reality, taking full responsibility of your beliefs, your momentary energy, your passions and desires, you will be guided by only love for all inside you and all outside, as you will recognize, one is only a reflection of another. You will finally then remember you are magnificent in all that you are and never again give your power away.

Bobbie Richardson

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