First off their is a difference between an egotistic selfishness and an awoken selfishness.
Once awoken selfishness includes all of those in your surrounding, as an awoken soul knows everything within their reality is apart of them. When an awoken soul includes all to be happy when manifesting anything new within their reality, then those that fall away do so because their path of least resistance or happiness directs them elsewhere, in that moment, but love is a strong force here and those that have love in their hearts for all within their surrounding will also know all happens for the love of all. So all is manifested without the need to control the outcome.
But someone not awoken who yields selfishness will only serve the reality they feel they can control, the desires of their small minds, and not include anyone but themselves. This will never work because they don't realize if those in their surroundings aren't happy, then this in reflection will reflect back on them and bring them to an unhappy outcome, an unfulfilled desire where those that once loved them will fall away not because they want to but because they feel unworthy unloved in the presence of a selfish person.
Bobbie Richardson